Thursday, August 9, 2018

'Budding talents and polished performances' delight audience at Mission Band of Trinity United Church variety concert in 1959

A major event of the year in 1959 for the Mission Band of Trinity United Church was a variety concert in the church hall to close its season, according to an article in the Sudbury Star by Margaret 'Maggie' Costello.

"Parents and friends were delighted with the budding talents and polished performances," Maggie wrote.

The concert was directed by Mrs. Adam Andrews, Mrs. James Haddow, Mrs. W.W. Lawrence and Mrs. David Anderson, all of whom directed the Mission Band during the year as well.

Mrs. Cameron Stevens was pianist.

Sylvia Scott welcomed everyone to the conceret and Patricia Bradbury led the opening prayer.

The younger children recited a poem Daisies while the older gave one called Hundreds of Stars. Mission Banders were from age five to eight.

Ricky Collings and Susan Beacock teamed up to recite the poem Little Lamb, followed by the entire group entertaining the audience with a song called 'We are fine musicians'.

Maggie wrote that a highlight of the program was a short play called  'Custard the Dragon' with Shannon Small and Margaret Jean Beacock as narrators. The cast included Betty Lynn Way-White, Carol Ann Hoath, Larry Ruttle, John Lapp and Paul Scott with "excellent performances" by all.

A presentation of a pencil box was made to each of the mothers which Maggie refered to as "cleverly contrived".

Carol Collings gave a brief talk on CARE which the Mission Band supported. CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief as well as undertaking long term international development projects, according to Wikipedia today.

Mrs. Haddow directed a devotional service centred on "Our thoughts go round the world" while Betty Ann Way-White read the scripture.

Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Anderson awarded perfect attendance prizes to Susan Beacock, Marie Eveline, Marion Eveline, Allan Small, Margaret Jean Beacock and Shannon Small.

Gifts were presented to Sylvia Scott, Elizabeth Rose, Paul Scott and  Allan Eveleigh who were moving from Chapleau.

The most enjoyable evening ended with Keith Anderson giving thanks to the parents and friends, and Sheila Wright leading a closing prayer.  My email is