Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama gets high approval ratings from Canadians

As Barack Obama assumes office as the 44th president of the United States, two polls show that Canadians overwhelmingly support him.

An EKOS poll done for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation shows that Obama has an 81% percent approval rating among Canadians.

When asked the question: "When watching the excitement surrounding the inauguration of Barack Obama and comparing it to our own political leadership I feel disappointed with our options", 47% of the respondents agreed with the statement.

A Canadian Press Harris-Decima poll revealed that 57% of Canadians believe Obama will exceed expectations as president.

I will give my own views on the polls later, but let's hear from you. Post comments here or send me an email at mj.morris@live.ca

More poll info at http://ctv.ca and http://cbc.ca

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