Thursday, March 15, 2018

Chapleau Brass Band greets Governor General of Canada with 'Yankee Doodle' in 1889

names below
Shortly after a Mr. Garneau arrived in Chapleau and had  been appointed bandmaster for the Chapleau Brass Band in 1889, the Governor General of Canada's train was to pass through the community on its way to western Canada. 

"The band was requested to play at the station was the train was being serviced Mr. Garneau who was not well posted on patriotic music on this side of the Atlantic had the band play, 'Yankee Doodle" as this was one of the pieces they played best," according to Vince Crichton in his book 'Pioneering in Northern Ontario'.

Mr Garneau came from France.  Vince noted that this anecdote was later told by J.B. Dexter one of the community's earliest citizens to D.O. Payette, who arrived in 1904.

The Governor General, the Earl of Minto, appointed by Queen Victoria, was familiar with Canada though having served in the military here during the Northwest Rebellion. There is no mention of his reaction, if any to the playing of 'Yankee Doodle'. 

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