Saturday, January 23, 2010

CAPP rallies become the national headline as thousands across Canada protest Harper's prorogation of Parliament

A quick check of the online version of major Canadian daily newspapers tonight shows that the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament rallies which attracted thousands of  protesters across the country is the lead story at all of them.

Thousands of Canadians from all walks of life and demographic groups attended rallies protesting the move by Stephen Harper, the prime  minister, to prorogue Parliament until March 3. The CAPP Facebook group, totally a grassroots movement, founded by Christopher White, a University of  Alberta graduate student, now with more than 212,000 members, called for the rallies for today, two days before Parliament was set to resume.

Despite an effort by Harper to take the headlines with his first news conference in over a year earlier today and flanked by four cabinet ministers, the CAPP rallies are the  major story tonight in Canada's news media.

Newspapers in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and Toronto are all playing the rallies as top story.

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