Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hugh McGoldrick from Ottawa CAPP rally: Harper awakens 'sleeping giant'

 NOTE: Hugh McGoldrick provided us with this first person report from Saturday's Anti-prorogation rally in Ottawa. Thanks Hugh.... mjm

By Hugh McGoldrick

Yesterday Joyce (his wife) and I attended the Anti-prorogation rally in Ottawa. There was a sea of people, all with one thing on their mind: let's tell Parliament to get back to work. Of course it was really Harper we were speaking to. And, even though the event was organized by some teenagers it was attended by all the leaders of all political parties except of course the Cons. Duceppe was not there preferring instead to speak at the rally in Montreal. However they did send a lesser representative of the caucus to speak. We also heard from the Sierra Club, PSAC (my union) and veterans associations and pensioners groups and many more.

The common message was, that in proroguing the House, Harper had left much important business on the table. The real message was that Harper needs to realize that Parliament was an institution of the people and he should do our business in an open parliament and not focus on his political business. He said he would have "open government" and we said, ok then open the doors of parliament. Jack Layton referred to a previous English king (Charles) who tried to prorogue parliament and eventually lost his head as a result. Of course Jack assured the crowd that he was not suggesting that anyone remove Harper's head but he did remind everyone that we can remove Harper at election time. But alas there was very little mention of an election or the bringing down of government, rather the political party leaders seemed more intent on reassuring the crowd that once they were back in parliament they would work to push through a law against prorogation and begin to address some of the important bills that have been ignored by the governing party. During the speeches the crowd chanting louder than the politicians, asking that Harper get back to work.

The Ottawa Chapter of the Raging Grannies were there in their usual style along with a member of the Arrogant Worms...each adapting their songs to the issue of prorogation, and each receiving the full approval of the almost 5000 people at the rally.

Afterward, over beers at Darcy McGee's we all agreed that Harper may have now awakened a sleeping giant. Sadly we will all have to wait 'til the Liberals feel supported in the polls, at least enough to take out this self-serving government. But we all agreed, it may not be much longer for that to occur.

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