Dr. Karl A. Hackstetter |
The Chapleau High School yearbook 'Ad Astra' paid tribute to departing principal Dr. Karl A. Hackstetter for setting a high standard for students and "trying to kick us over it."
Dr. Hackstetter who had taught at the school from 1954 to 1957 returned as principal from 1962 to 1965, but left before the new school on the hill was opened in the fall of 1966.
The editors of 'Ad Astra', led by Carole Futhey dedicated their yearbook to Dr. Hackstetter as their way of saying thank you for setting high standards, expressing the hope that "we hope that we will not disappoint him. They were exciting years."
The tribute said that Dr. Hackstetter "terrorized and goaded us, stretched us and pushed us. The experience often left us limp, but it also left us stimulated.
"Because he immensely enjoyed every activity, he tried to teach us to find satisfaction in everything we did. He not only tolerated non conformity, he loudly demanded it.
"The greatest crime was shoddiness. the most prized qualities were originality and a sense of style."
I had not seen this tribute to Dr. Hackstetter until this week when John Theriault made parts of 'Ad Astra' available, but on a very personal note, this is the person I knew when he taught me when I was a student at CHS during his earlier time there in the mid 1950s. Not only was Dr. Karl A. Hackstetter my teacher but he became my friend and one of the great influences on my life. At this late date I extend thanks to the students who published the tribute to him in the yearbook some 46 years ago.
CHS Student Council 1965-66 Names Below |
Student council president Darryl Downey, in his yearbook message proclaimed that "School spirit was our fight" and went on to share how it was clearly evident during the year, the last in the school on the banks of the river on Pine Street where the civic centre is now located.
"The school spirit was clearly shown in the turnouts to all school activities whether in hot days of late summer or frigid days of winter," Darryl wrote.
Highlights included successful participation in fundraising to put artificial ice in the Chapleau Memorial Community Arena, the publishing of the 'Schoollite' newspaper, the success of the school curling team in Sudbury and CHS TEEM winning the town hockey league championship.
It was really a year of transition in Chapleau with several historic moments. The high school student population had passed 200 as they prepared to move to the school on the hill; high school hockey, popular for much of the school's history since 1922 would end with a town championship. It also marked the end of high school hockey with the arrival of the Chapleau Junior 'B' Huskies in 1966-67 with newly installed artificial ice in the arena.
CHS Student Council 1966-67 See names below |
As an aside, two former CHS students Keith J 'Buddy' Swanson and Lorne Riley, were among the founders of the Jr. 'B' Huskies and shortly thereafter Earle Freeborn joined the team first as coach then as manager during some of its most successful years. The vast majority of players were CHS students throughout the team's history.
For the historical record, William Mair was the first principal of the new CHS on the hill, while Bob McEachren was the first Student Council president there.
Next week at this time (Wednesday) I plan to be on my way home to Chapleau for the 90th anniversary reunion festival and so much look forward to hearing stories about CHS and catching up on the lives of everyone who has been a part of it throughout the years. My thanks to John Theriault and Gail (Coulter) Cyr. My email is mj.morris@live.ca
Student council of CHS in 1965-66, the last one at school by the river. Top row from left: D. Edwards, S. Wright, P. Gray, Mr. J. Parker, P. Bernier, C. Marcil, J. Bruneau, B. Corston. Front row from left F. Stevens, S. Lane, president Darryl Downey, B. Beynon, G. Boucher
The members of Student Council in 1966, the first at the new CHS were Back row
David Futhey, Ted Eveline, Peter Gray, Peter Simpson, Mickey Jurynec, Jim Connelly.
Front row
Linda Martin, Alanna Downey, President Bob McEachren, Marjorie McCrea, and Gerry Boucher.